Jill Rice - Get Outside - Landscapes for learning

Jill Rice
PGDipLA, PGDipTchg, BHortSc(Env)
NZILA (Grad)
Jill Rice has been a landscape architect, garden designer, playground consultant and teacher for 20+ years, based in the Auckland region but delivering advice in her specialist area of design for children’s environments all over NZ. She is director and principal landscape architect of Get Outside Ltd, a small company of landscape designers in operation since 2004.
Her passion is to design attractive and stimulating spaces for children so that they will want to get outside, enjoying their world, being extended in their experiences and learning to care for their environment.
Gardens designed by Get Outside Ltd have won Gold at the Ellerslie International Flower Show in 2004 (The Mythological Maze of Maui), Bronze in the category of Institutional Design in the 2008 NZILA Pride of Place Awards (Mt Eden Kindergarten play spaces), and the NZRA Outstanding Park Award in 2010 (Potter Children’s Garden, Auckland Botanic Gardens).