Ian Henderson
Life Member
Ian Henderson
GDSNZ Life member award citation
Investiture date: 18 June 2024
First an overview:
Ian was an instigator of the GDS, a long serving officer in many areas, a landscape
academic at Unitec for nearly 20 years and an inciteful researcher. He is an
engaging garden tour leader and continues to be an active advocate for landscape
education, and gardens.
GDSNZ service:
Back in 2003 the GDSNZ was founded. Ian along with Michael Jones and others felt
strongly that garden design professionals needed an organisation separate for the
landscape construction contractors to promote their design form and practice. They
saw garden design as a distinct academic discipline and hoped to establish a degree
programme in Garden Design (as is offered in the UK), but didn’t ever get buy in
from Unitec.
When Deb joined the society as a student in 2003, Ian encouraged her to not only
become a member of the society but to join Jan Hart and himself in being the ‘first
ever’ GDS Events committee and they paved the way for what is now a very vibrant
part of the society. The earliest events included evening talks and slide sharing
evenings, of international gardens and overseas garden tours and trips in the homes
of Michael Jones and Barbara Garrett to name but a few. Back in the days when we
the membership was small enough to fit in one’s lounge! Ian has always been a
strong contributor on analysing design. Deb says she always likes to be around Ian
on garden trips because he always has a well-considered opinion and view point on
design to share.
Ian took the Chair early on in the life of the Society and worked with others to
establish the Accreditation Board and process, inviting Vladimer Sitta from Australia
to be our inaugural accreditor in 2008.
Ian was appointed as Registrar to the Accreditation Board and arranged workshops
for those preparing their portfolios. He really went the extra mile in advancing the
vision of accreditation.
Ian is also an accredited academic member and he must get the prize for the highest
number of CPD points earned each year – he is a great example of a livelong
learner! Michael Jones observes that Ian’s CPD returns were always thorough and
reflective, demonstrating the value of self-examination in professional life.
Landscape Education
Ian came to Unitec as a student in the Landscape Diploma programme back when I
was starting my teaching there in the early 90’s. He did very well, coming up with
creative design solutions , sometimes with a sense of drama, perhaps learnt during
his previous film studies at Waikato University. I remember a viewing tower he
sketched for a Mt Albert garden studio project, with an eye for the dramatic. He was
in the same class with Damian Wendleborn and Debbie Upton, currently the
President of the NZILA.
Ian successfully applied for a job as lecturer in the programme and became a valued
colleague. We collaborated well on programme development, with first me and then
him in the Programme Leader role. Ian was very committed to seeing students
develop their design skills and innovating the way we taught to support that
With our Unitec trips to Japan, several generations of young students had their eyes
opened to the beauty of Japanese garden design, the philosophical and spiritual
approach, as well as learning a great deal about the culture. Ian is a great enthusiast
in taking students and expanding their horizons. And now it is with past students and
others in our HIKOI tour business.
Ian has an inquisitive disposition, and his interests in culture, society, heritage and
artistic expression flavour his research work.
Ian has a fascination in the way gardens change over time both in design terms and
plant growth effects. This had him researching and writing about time for
conferences and gaining both support , from people like Julian Raxworthy from
RMIT, and opposition / debate from a couple of local Landscape Architects.
Ian is also very interested in the bi-cultural nature of Aotearoa. Ian has provided
leadership in this aspect of our society’s kaupapa over the years, preparing many
mihi for our formal occasions.
Ian joined up with Lee Elliott and others to protest about the demolition of the
Japanese Garden at the Auckland Zoo to make way for the Australian Devil exhibit!
The garden was gifted by Fukuoka City in Japan to symbolise their sister city
After a lot of pressure for advocates, council staff and politicians from both cities, the
Fukuoka Garden has been re-established outside the Zoo on the edge of Western
Springs Park. If you haven’t been there, look it up. Ian is leading the Meadowbank
Garden society there next month.
Ian has been a pivotal person in the development and governance of the Society.
Members of the National Committee all had stories of Ian’s dedication and
professionalism. He is a worthy candidate for a Life Member award … so
I propose that we award Ian a life membership of the Society in recognition of his
service to the landscape profession. Jill Pierce is seconding my proposal.
Ian we honour you tonight.
Presented and prepared by Penny Cliffin.
18 June 2024